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GCSE and BTEC Results 2022 - Fortismere students celebrate success damp but happy!

It has been an unbelievable year for GCSE and BTEC results at Fortismere. In keeping with last week’s A level results, today's results are once more bucking the national trend for outcomes.  74.1% of students achieved a grade 5 or higher, in both English and Maths (up 2% on 2021).  More than 1 in 5 of all grades is a 9, and well over half of the grades are a grade 7 or above. 


  • Over 20% of grades achieved at 9 (up from 14% in 2021)
  • 34% of grades achieved at 8/9 (similar to Teacher Assessed Grades, 2021)
  • 54% of grades achieved at 7 or above (similar to Teacher Assessed Grades in 2021)
  • 85.5% of students achieved a 4+ in both English and Maths


It has been an unbelievable year for GCSE and BTEC results at Fortismere. In keeping with last week’s A level results, we are once more bucking the national trend for outcomes, particularly at the higher grades.  More than 1 in 5 of all grades is a 9, the top grade and well over half of the grades a grade 7 or above, contrary to the national decline in top grades. 92% of students received a grade 4 or above in Maths, with an impressive 82% gaining a ‘good pass’ (grade 5) or above, an increase on the percentage for teacher assessed grades in 2021.  English also achieved remarkable results, with 90% gaining a grade 4 or above and 80% achieving a grade 5 or above in English Literature. These results are particularly impressive in a fully inclusive comprehensive school.  These outcomes will ensure our students have the secure foundations they need to pursue further study post-16, the vast majority of whom will be staying with us to study at our successful and exciting Sixth Form

Such outcomes, as always, are achieved due to the dedication and hard work of our students ably supported by their teachers.  Our students have shown such grit, resilience and determination during two exceptionally challenging years and we are very much looking forward to seeing what they will achieve when they are back in school engaging with their learning in September.