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Expectations of Fortismere SIXTH Form Students

At Fortismere Sixth Form, all members of the student community are expected to make and fulfil these commitments.

These are fundamental expectations and any student who is unable to fulfil these commitments will jeopardise their place at in the sixth form. Individual students may be placed on a subject contract, referred to their Learning Manager or be called to meet with the Director of Sixth Form and/or the CoHeadteachers.

Fortismere SIXTH Form Attendance Policy

We know that poor attendance and punctuality affects not only individual student’s grades but also the learning of the whole class; content missed may have to be repeated; group activities and presentations are disrupted. It also shows a lack of respect for, and a poor attitude towards, the teachers and the subjects being missed.

  • 98-100% is the Expected level of attendance
  • 95%-97% is a Satisfactory level
  • Below 95% but above 90% is a cause for concern
  • Below 90% is a serious concern


Whilst we acknowledge that occasional absence may be necessary we expect that this will be verified by a parent/carer and that they will contact Ms Jackson, Sixth Form Administrator, by phone or email. Contact details are: 0208 365 4453 or

Monitoring of attendance

Attendance levels of all sixth form students will be closely monitored by the school to ensure attendance does not become a barrier to academic success. Parents/ carers will receive a daily email to let them know if a lesson has been missed, or a late mark has been received. 

 If students are becoming a cause for concern due to their attendance levels the following will apply:

Stage 1 - Letter will be sent home and tutors will meet with the student

Stage 2 - If no improvement is seen the student will meet with their Learning Manager and may be placed on an attendance report. They will also be required to attend the Private Study room in their non-contact periods. This will be monitored by our Academic Coach who is based in this room. If we see an improvement in attendance then the students will be allowed to stop attending private study in their non-contact periods.

Stage 3 - Students who have still not improved after the previous two stages will attend an attendance panel with their parents/carers. If attendance has consistently been below 95% the student may be required to stay on an attendance report and report to the Director of Sixth Form daily. Where it has been consistently below 90% students may be asked to leave the school. At this stage we will ensure the student has a careers appointment and is given advice about how to either access the workplace or look at other courses available at other educational establishments.


The majority of Fortismere Sixth Form students achieve very highly but a minority of students are at risk of underachieving. This document sets out how the School supports and challenges these students to help them develop the independent learning skills which are crucial to their success.  You can read the Academic Support and Progress document here