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Fortismere students achieved outstanding outcomes this summer at A Level and BTEC. 

ALPS has ranked Fortismere Sixth Form with an ALPS 3 score, placing the school in the top 20% of all state schools in the UK, including grammar schools, based on student progress. This signifies that Fortismere students outperform their peers in the vast majority of other schools, given the same GCSE grades upon entry. The fantastic results achieved by our students enable them to realise their ambitions and embark on the next stages of their lives, be that further study or the world of work. 

Headline A level figures A*-A A*-B A*-C
  37% 64% 84%


Average A level result B - Above National and Haringey average

You can access the school's 16-18 performance data 2022-23 published on the website here

You can download our A Level results 2023 by subject and grade here