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Economics and Business curriculum


The Economics and Business Department aims to provide our KS4/KS5 students with the knowledge and the skills needed in an ever changing, dynamic and global business, economic and financial environment. We support our students to become increasingly engaged in the world around them and who can later proceed to the world of work with the attributes needed to be successful as consumers, employees and potential employers. We champion high aspirations and students are encouraged to adopt a growth mindset. Our extra-curricular activities are designed to complement, cement and stretch students’ knowledge, by making use of the opportunities provided in the wider world.

The aims of the department are for students to:

  • Develop an understanding of the relevant economic and business concepts and theories and have the ability to apply them to a range of real-world issues – think like an economist / entrepreneur.
  • Make informed decisions, by using economic and business concepts and theories to help analyse and evaluate contemporary real world issues.
  • Appreciate the value and limitations of economic and business concepts and theories.
  • Become economic/business literate in order to become informed consumers, producers and voters during their lives.
  • Develop skills of application, analysis and evaluation because these are highly valued by universities and employers, as they highlight students’ ability to think critically. Both subjects are useful in a range of careers including banking, finance, industry, management, media and politics.
  • Develop a spirit of curiosity that extends into other subject areas including geography, history and politics.
  • Read newspapers and watch /listen to news and current events programmes for economics / business developments and to discuss them in the classroom as they occur.

‘The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed, the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.’ (John Maynard Keynes, 1936)

At Fortismere, the study of Economics in the classroom is further complimented by extra-curricular opportunities. These include participation in the Student Investor Challenge, ICAEW BASE Competition, the Institute of Economic Affairs Budget Challenge. There is usually also a KS5 trip to the Bank of England Museum, as well as attending Economics Conferences.




Contact the Economics and Business Department

Renner, Mr M

Head of Business Studies & Economics
Barsby, Mr D

Business Studies Teacher

Valentine, Mr R

Business Studies & Economics Teacher