As part of our commitment to informing our students of the full range of learning and training pathways on offer to them, we provide opportunities throughout the student journey that allow them to explore education and career paths. We have developed a programme, which includes a wide variety of activities that is focused on providing high quality information, advice and career guidance. This will allow our students to make the best possible decisions for their future career paths.
All Year 11 students are offered a one to one careers interview with the school careers advisor to help them make post 16 option choices including schools, colleges and apprenticeships. All Year 9 students will be offered interviews as part of small group sessions to help them make informed choices about GCSE options in Years 10 and 11. Students with EHCPs will see the careers advisor together with their key worker prior to their annual review. The careers advisor will also attend the annual review to provide feedback on next steps and careers.
We have developed a proposed careers education plan for the remainder of this academic year and the following year, which will be updated throughout the year. You can access a copy of our Careers Education Development Plan here and see below