Students from each year group have been appointed as Fortismere Mental Health Ambassadors. The Ambassadors support Ms Jones and carry out research and work of their own. See below for some of the work created by our Mental Health Ambassadors.
The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health is an excellent article written by student Muireann Exton-Abbas for the weekly Newsletter and also available to read in full here
The Ambassadors' Top Ten Tips for Looking After Your Mental Health.
1. Listen to Music - It really helps calm me down if I'm anxious about school or homework or anything outside of school. Music takes me away to another place from my worries. What also helps is talking about music to my friends and asking them what music they like. I also try listening to other music to see what else is out there and what other music can help me with my mental health. I also play a bit of music on a piano which helps because I can learn lots of songs and play them when I'm in a difficult place in my life. Camille Cooper Stephenson, Year 9
2. Do some baking because it's easy to take your mind off whatever you are struggling with. Choosing what you want to bake forces me to think about what I want to eat instead of my anxiety. Buy ingredients gets you outside and going to the shops and you might even see some friends on the way. Mixing your ingredients is a good way to take out your anger by beating sugar and butter! Eating, now you've completed your bake, you've relieved your stress and hopefully you've now got a nice bake that you can enjoy and share. Hal Condou, Year 7
3. Have a walk - I sometimes feel a bit depressed because, as a student from Hong Kong, not everyone has been nice to me here in the UK. But when I feel low, I go to the park or just sit outside. It's really nice to just listen to the birds or look at the trees. Being outside makes me forget the bad stuff and helps me feel better. Nature is like a friend that never judges. It's cool how just being outdoors can change how you feel inside. Yui Yan Tam, Year 11
4. Sleep is essential for human health and has many benefits like keeping the body healthy and decreasing the risk of health problems. Not only does sleep have physical benefits, it also has benefits linked to mental health. Without enough sleep, people are more likely to feel angry and impulsive, have mood swings, feel sad or depressed, or lack motivation. Here are some tips for good sleep: Be consistent with the time you sleep and wake up and have a sleep routine; Try to sleep at least 7 hours; Avoid caffeine and electronic devices (blue light) before sleep; Relax before sleep, read a book, or do yoga before you doze off; Create a cosy sleep environment, switch off lights and any noise and make sure your room is a comfortable temperature. Alexandra Mann, Year 9
5. Exercise - As someone with ASD and ADHD; one of the ways I like to help reset my mind if I have had a hard week, is to take my bike and go on a long bike ride. Exercise can really help to pump up your endorphins and in general improve your mood. This has really helped me to focus on the positive things in my life, and on my school work. It is also just an enjoyable way to get exercise as well as improve your mental health. Carl Peanberg King, Year 9
6. Ask for help - I was of the mindset that there's no point in trying if I know I'm no good. Things got worse in Covid and I started getting anxiety and panic attacks. My thoughts would spiral, things like: I can't catch up; I don't want to ask for help, I feel stupid. These thoughts led me in a direction which I thought I couldn't escape, but what I cannot stress enough is that you have to ask for help or talk to someone. I understand about feeling embarrassed but once you make that first step, things will start to get better. You could go to counselling in school, go to the GP or just talk to someone you trust. It will never be as hard as you think it is to say how you’re feeling. Even if you only say a few words, that is still a first step in helping yourself. I promise you that it does get better. Anonymous, Year 11
7. Art can help me take my mind off any worries or fears. When I draw, my mind takes me on a journey of imagination and builds a new story in my head. In my free time, I draw to empty my mind and relax myself. I recommend you draw to help your mental health. All art is a form of expression and no art is bad. If somebody says your artwork is not good enough, remember that there is no such thing as bad or good art and that, truly, everything can be experienced as art and self-expression. Mateo Billeter, Year 7
8. Mind Meditating - From my experience I would recommend taking a simple break from any stressful work you might have and take part in meditating time-outs that can help you to feel calm and balanced. This has benefits for your emotional wellbeing and your overall health. It helps me when I lose my focus doing homework and I just need a simple rest. I usually do any sort of mind controlling activity like meditating, taking a walk or even reading. I also like to play piano which helps me to relax and cope with stress by refocusing my attention on to something I enjoy rather than worrying about work I might have. Noam Shmidt, Year 10
9. Take a break - I think it is important to remove myself from stressful situations and give myself breaks from what is causing me stress. For example, if you are trying to revise for a test and your mental health is causing you to be unfocused, it is a good idea to give yourself a break to calm down and get yourself in the right frame of mind for doing school work. There is a lot of proof that the “Aha moments” come more often to those who take regular breaks. Recharging and refreshing your mind increases your energy, productivity, and ability to focus. Although it may seem that you have to carry on working and power through any of the stress you are putting yourself through, you are more likely to perform better with regular breaks. Sylvie Hammersley-Fox, Year 9
10. Leave enough time for any stressful tasks - If I struggle to cope with homework I have found a few things I can do to help. It helps me if I talk with family members about my homework, and they can help me to prioritise and guide me where to do my research. Sometimes, if homework gets too much, I just stop, close my eyes and breathe in and out to calm myself. I will spend time researching the homework topic, and start my homework ahead of time to ensure that I do not have to work under too much pressure to get it done. Timothy Hill, Year 7
The Ambassadors' list of films which may encourage discussion about mental health
- Turning Red (Years 7-9): This funny and heart-warming film explores teenage development and East Asian experiences through the story of a 13-year-old girl who turns into a giant red panda when she feels strong emotions.
- Wonder (Years 7-9): Auggie, a young boy with facial differences, encounters challenges after starting school. Wonder offers a way into discussing subjects including bullying, acceptance and kindness.
- Dear Evan Hansen (Year 9 and up): A musical exploring a teenage boy’s social anxiety as he becomes an overnight internet sensation. Useful for discussing mental health, social media and the importance of family.
- McQueen (Year 11 and up): This documentary follows influential fashion designer Alexander McQueen, charting his struggles with mental health and addiction.
- A Street Cat Named Bob (all ages): Based on the autobiography of busker James Bowen, this film reveals how a man and his cat overcame adversity and addiction through their inspiring friendship.
- A Beautiful Mind (all ages):This compassionate film tells the true story of mathematical genius John Nash, who can solve extremely complex equations but struggles with his mental health.