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FUNDRAISING & Voluntary Contributions

Fundraising - Fortismere organises a range of events during the school year to raise extra funds to support and enhance our students' school experience.  This includes an annual Music Festival, Winter Fair,  Fireworks display, Comedy Night and Quiz Night.  Our events are a great way to support the school and to meet other parents and carers.

Voluntary contributions - As well as special fundraising events the school very much appreciates any financial support our families can provide by making regular or one-off voluntary contributions.  Fortismere, like many schools, has experienced a number of significant challenges in recent years - the effect of the pandemic on student well-being and mental health, high energy and supply costs and budget constraints.   School finances are stretched and any extra contributions from parents and carers allow us to do more of the things we want to do to support our students and transform lives.

We are grateful for any financial support and have set up a number of different ways that you can use to make a contribution to the school.

Regular Contribution - this secure method allows you to make regular recurring payments via card or direct debit.  Use the following link, and increase the Qty if you want to adjust the monthly contribution amount :

One-off contribution - You can also make a one-off voluntary contribution via this link:

ParentMail - You can also donate via ParentMail where you can make one-off, regular or ad-hoc card payments: Link to ParentMail

Gift Aid - If you are a UK taxpayer please opt-in to our Gift Aid scheme by completing the Declaration Form using the following link: Gift Aid

If you have any questions or want more information on our fundraising and development activities, please contact Ms Maria Demetriou