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Maths curriculum


The mathematics curriculum is designed to enable teachers to lead students progressively through the content and skills which will equip them with a level of mathematical expertise to support educational pathways, to inform both work life and day to day life and to enrich their cultural experience.

Knowledge, Skills & Resilience

Developing students’ mathematical competence necessarily involves them increasing their knowledge base, learning and applying techniques which lead to the solution of problems, analysing information in search of patterns or in order to form problem solving strategies and developing a sense of resilience in the face of the unforgiving logic of the correctness of mathematical solutions.

Strands of Learning

Mathematics can be thought of as a series of topic strands and it is useful to trace the progression of these strands through the Key Stages and through increasing degrees of sophistication.  The curriculum maps below enable strands to be traced from Year 7 to Year 11.  The central model of learning which students experience requires them to focus on a single strand but as their competence increases, previously acquired skills and material covered form the foundation for further development.  Increasingly progress becomes dependent on the synthesis of knowledge and skills which rest on this foundation.


Formal assessment structures support learning in units.  Students find this clear and manageable.  The challenge at examination level is managing a revision process which addresses the many units of work covered over the preceding years and prepares the students for synoptic assessment.  Finding a balance between short and longer term assessment to support the accumulation of required knowledge and competencies is an on-going piece of work. 

Enrichment & Cross-Curricular

In addition to the formal curriculum, the Department offers the opportunity to participate in a range of activities which support or enrich students’ learning.  These range from routine weekly informal drop in to the annual UKMT Challenges.  The Department is keen to offer more systematic broadening and enriching activities which permit the use of mathematical skills and knowledge in other contexts.  The Department is also keen to link with the work of other subject departments in the school to form durable and meaningful cross-curricular links which leverage learning mutually.

‘Why this’, ‘why now’

The ‘old’ national curriculum classified mathematics into four areas: Number, Algebra, Shape & Space and Handling Data.  The revised curriculum further separates Ratio & Proportion and Probability.  The significance of Ratio & Proportion in learning and applying mathematics has been recognised and amplified in the formal curriculum and recent GCSE examinations have reflected this priority.  In order to provide the necessary base for progression, the KS3 curriculum incorporates a number of topics from the domains listed.  The ‘why this’ and ‘why now’ rationale for the chosen units is implicit in the progression map from years 7 to 11.  Mathematics is an hierarchical subject, the requirement for progressive learning along each ‘strand’ has driven the ordering which can be seen in the curriculum map.  The unit progression is planned to address the specifications of KS3 and KS4 and to provide variety and the opportunity to consolidate when topics are re-visited.  It will be obvious that the map is ‘lighter’ in year 11.  This permits a substantial period for examination revision and technique preparation and is deliberate.

The Future

Consideration of the value and effect of homework and the most effective and efficient use of marking are on-going considerations together with the virtue and impact of seeing the map as the first step to a five year curriculum plan.


Our students follow a fast based and exciting KS3 scheme.  Lessons offer students variety and opportunities to use Maths in context.  Students use the mymaths website to support their learning both in class and interactively at home.  Over the two years students explore a range of topics within Number, Algebra, Shape and Space, Data Handling, all designed to ensure that they have a strong foundation in the understanding of mathematical concepts.

Maths KS3 Curriculum Map


Our students follow the EDEXCEL Mathematics specification.

For more information on the Maths GCSE please see the Options Booklet.

Maths KS4 Curriculum Map


Maths KS5 Curriculum Map

A Level Mathematics follows the  EDEXCEL Specification

A Level Further Mathematics follows the  EDEXCEL Specification

For course information and entry requirements please see the Maths  Sixth Form page.

The A level course in mathematics gives students an introduction to the use of advanced level techniques of analysis, including the use of trigonometrical and exponential functions, sequences and series and basic calculus and Cartesian geometry.  In addition, students take introductory modules in discrete mathematics, statistics and mechanics.  The practical activities in statistics and the mathematical modelling in mechanics encourages critical and creative thinking and enables to students to tackle a wide variety of practical problems.  More advanced mathematicians are encouraged to follow the further mathematics course.  Classes are provided for Oxbridge candidates and the Advanced Extension Award is offered to all students if they wish to be challenged.

Setting in Maths 

Setting Structure

Year 7

Students are taught in their form groups for the whole year. This means they are not placed into attainment sets during Year 7 so they can adequately settle into their new environment. Pupils will sit formative and summative assessments once every term which feeds into our setting decisions in Year 8 (see below).

Year 8 to Year 9

Students are placed into two blocks (X and Y) due to necessities in logistics and timetabling.

Within these blocks, they are placed in one of five sets (numbered 1 to 5). The table below gives a summary of our setting structure:

Set 1 (approx. 30 students)

“most-able cohort”

Set 2 (~28)


Set 3 (~28)

Set 4 (~28)

Set 5 (~20)

“Supported group”

Set 1 is the “Most Able Cohort”

Set 2, Set 3 and Set 4 are “Mixed-attainment” groups.

Set 5 is our “Supported Group”.

Decisions about setting are based on assessment data, classwork and homework. The Maths Department have a meeting prior to any set changes to ensure that there are no outliers and that extraordinary circumstances in the individual student’s context has been taken into account.

All assessments will help form a better picture of our students’ needs and can therefore form the basis of our judgement about setting, however we prefer to keep set changes minimal, in favour of students being taught by a consistent teacher(s) throughout the academic year. There are, however, opportunities for set changes in February half-term, and the Maths Department withhold the right to make set changes in extraordinary circumstances.

Our setting structure allows for us to keep our Supported Group as small as possible to better support our most vulnerable learners.

Evidence from the (Education Endowment Foundation) EEF related to the benefits of mixed ability teaching can be found here

YEAr 10 TO YEAr 11

Year  10 & 11


X Bank

Y Bank

Set 1 (Approx. 30 students)

Set 1 (Approx. 30 students)

Additional Maths (FSMQ)

Set 2 (~28)

Set 2 (~28)


Set 3 (~28)

Set 3 (~28)


Set 4 (~28)

Set 4 (~28)


Set 5 (~20)

Set 5 (~20)


Students are placed in one of five sets (numbered 1 to 5).

Decisions about setting are based on assessment data, classwork, homework and attendance. The Maths Department have a meeting prior to any set changes to ensure that there are no outliers and that extraordinary circumstances in the individual student’s context has been taken into account.  Our setting structure allows for us to keep our Supported Group as small as possible to better support our most vulnerable learners.

In Year 11 Set 1 will be working towards the Additional Maths Free Standing Maths Qualification (FSMQ) concurrently with their GCSE Curriculum. We believe this will support students in deepening their understanding of GCSE content and support them in gaining a Grade 8 or Grade 9. It is also an introduction to A-level Maths topics which will give these students an added boost going into Year 12, especially if they choose to continue study Maths at A-Level but also if they pursue studies in another numerate subject at Fortismere.  

There are opportunities for set changes in at  points throughout Yr10 and in January of Yr11, at which point we will have a fixed understanding about the Tier of Entry for students and the Maths Department withhold the right to make set changes in extraordinary circumstances.

Maths Workshop

Every Monday, After School, S32

Students who are looking to supplement their learning or are in need of extra support are encouraged to attend Maths Workshop which takes place ever Monday, after school, in S32. This is a space for students to come and get help on classwork and homework and it is run by members of the Maths Department, as well as some Maths A-Level students who kindly volunteer their time to help their younger peers.

Extra Curricular

The curriculum is enhanced at KS3 by opportunities to be involved in the National Maths Challenge, Jaguar Car Racing Club, World Maths Day Record Breaking attempts and external projects. Our students enjoy supporting the community and have raised over £1500 over the last two years for charity through sponsorship by playing Maths Team games.  This academic year, our Year 8 built a geodesic dome, showing them how mathematics can be used in architecture.

The curriculum is supported by school evening maths workshops, opportunities to be involved in Maths challenges and Saturday booster lessons in school.  Our A* students attended Saturday morning revision classes at the University of London.

The curriculum is enhanced at KS5 by opportunities to take part in the Senior Maths Challenge, maths workshops and surgeries. Students also attend revision days at school.

Contact the Maths Department

Mr J Nagata Head of Maths

Ms F Oakley

KS4 Curriculum Lead

Mr P Jenkins

Maths Teacher

Mr T Adebayo

Maths Teacher

Ms R Chapple

Maths Teacher

Ms E Jones 

Maths Teacher

Ms M Dolunay

Maths Teacher

Ms A Kubianga

Maths Teacher

Mr I Mahmood

KS5 Curriculum Lead & Deputy Head of Dept.

Mr T McRill Maths Teacher

Mr F Zamyadi

Maths Teacher

Mr A MacWhinnie Maths Teacher