This page explains how you can collect exam results and certificates from the school.
- A LEVEL & BTEC level 3 Results - Thursday 14 August 2025 from 8.30am-10.30am
- GCSE & BTEC Results - Thursday 21 August 2025 from 8.30am-10.30am
Results can be collected in person, posted to your home address or collected on your behalf by someone else. You must follow the specific instructions set out in the Student Exam Guidance Booklet 2024-25 for collecting your results.
EXAM CERTIFICATES FOR Academic year 2024-2025
Exam certificates for the academic year 2024-2025 will be available for collection in January 2026. Please check back here for further details nearer the time.
EXAM CERTIFICATES FOR Academic year 2023-2024
Exam certificates for the academic year 2023-2024 will be ready for collection from South Wing Reception from 10th January 2025 onwards between 9am-4pm (term-time only).
The School is only required to keep your certificates for a year, so it is important that you collect your certificates on time. Valid photo identification must be provided on collection and all certificate collections must be signed by the recipient.
If you are unable to collect in person, you can give permission to a representative to do so on your behalf. Please print and complete the candidate permission form download here, sign it and hand it to Reception on the day of collection. The named representative must have valid ID with them that is the same as the ID details on the candidate permission form for verification.
EXAM CERTIFICATES FOR Academic year 2022-2023
Exam certificates for the academic year 2022-2023 certificates will be available for collection until 20th December 2024. The School is only required to keep certificates for a year. Any certificates not collected by 20th December 2024 will be securely destroyed andyou have to request certificates from the Exam Board.